Has a friend or family member been arrested and asked for your help in paying for their bail fee? If so, you may be in search of a company that can help provide you with the necessary funding to help keep your friend or family member out of jail. That’s where we at AAAA Discount Bail Bonds can help!

A bail bond company can provide the necessary funding to help pay for a person’s bail and allow them to remain out of jail while they wait for their court date. If you are considering helping, you must be willing to co-sign this bail bond for your friend or family member.

Co-signing a bail bond means that a person accepts the financial obligations to pay the full bail bond if the person does not show up at their court date.

Before our company can agree to someone being a co-signer, there are a few qualifications that the person must meet:

  • Good Credit History
  • Good Job History
  • Responsible

Good credit can be a good indicator to our office that the person is responsible and will respect and honor our agreement. Having a stable job is also a good indicator because it shows that you are responsible and have a source of income – giving us the understanding that if the person fails to appear at court, you will have the funds to pay the full amount of bail. It’s all about trust and making sure that you stay true to your agreement.

Being considered a good candidate may be important; however, before taking on such a large responsibility it is necessary to also first consider:

  • Do you trust the person?
  • Do you understand all of the terms of the agreement?
  • Financial Liability

Co-signing can be very risky. If you do not believe that the person will attend their scheduled court date, you may want to re-consider co-signing. Remember that if they do not appear at the time of their court date, you will be responsible to pay the full amount of the bail.

Make sure that you understand all of the terms of the agreement by discussing thoroughly with a bondsman so that you will know if co-signing is the right decision for you. Our office offers fast service and we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – ready to answer your questions!

As a co-signer, you are financially liable for paying back the amount of bail so it is important that you first consider your own finances. If you are having a hard time financially, being responsible for someone else can add additional stress and may cause issues for you should they fail to appear at their court date.

We at AAAA Discount Bail Bonds know that this is a very stressful and trying time. If you have any questions about being a co-signer and your responsibilities, please feel free to contact our office at (936)539-4444.

We are committed to providing satisfactory results through discreet, fast and affordable bonding services! We are just a phone call away – contact our office now!